Friday, July 16, 2010

July 15, 2010 - Photo of the Day (Top Secret Craft Project Edition)

If any of you saw me reference to a "massive craft project" on Facebook last week and wondered what it was...

I made my first diaper cake! I made it for my boss, Candice, who is due to have a baby girl at the end of August. I had never made one before and couldn't really find any good instructions (even on the Internet) about how much material I would need, so I just kind of futzed around (and my engineer husband did some quick calculations regarding height and diameter...oh that makes my brain hurt).
I had a LOT of fun making it. Here's how I made it:

1. Wrap each individual diaper with a small rubber band.
2. Build your bottom layer around some form of spherical baby product (I used bubble bath). I used smaller rubber bands to hold the inner layers together and big huge rubber bands for the large outer layers. It's easier to put the rubber bands around a smaller layer and then tuck the diapers in. Make sure to build the layer on top of whatever you're using as a base (I used $2 foam board) so you don't have to try to move the cake on top of it after you're finished (like me).
3. Once your base is complete, build your second layer on top of it. Whatever you use for the center should be tall enough to reach at least halfway up the second layer.
4. Build your third layer seperately. I used a baby bottle for the center of my top layer, then attached a bright pink curly bow to the top of the bottle. It cascaded down the cake and looked very pretty.
5. Add some surprises! I took 3 diapers out from the bottome layer's second row (still visible, i.e. not covered by the second layer) and added three baby bibs in their places. I rolled up the bibs to look like little rosettes. I also tucked some travel-size baby shampoo, powder, lotion and body wash into the second layer (again, still visible and not covered by the top layer).
6. Decorate! I used wide pink ribbon around the bottom two layers and held it in place with some straight pins. I topped that with a coordinating, narrower ribbon. I attached two pink satin bows (purchased pre-made at Wal-Mart) to what I considered the "front" of the cake. On the top layer, I reversed the colors with a wide brown ribbon with a pink on top that said, "It's a Girl!" I also pinned a larger item (this was a rubber duck that indicates when the bath water is too hot. I filled in the gaps bewteen the layers with pink shredded paper, and added a few pacifiers to the layers as well.
7. Wrap! I bought a jumbo-sized basket gift bag at Michael's for $.99. It fit into the bag perfectly (without the base) and was a simple and easy way for her to transport it home.

Here's another picture of the completed cake, a bit blurry because I took it with my iPhone.

And here's me and the mama-to-be with my creation!

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