Thursday, August 19, 2010

A brush with famous-ness!

I was assigned a media escort at the Zoo last Friday for a film crew who was scouting out locations for a drama being filmed in Oklahoma this coming October. When they arrived, I immediately recognized one of them as a FAMOUS(ish) person!

It was Ben Foster! He is working as a director for the movie.
When he was younger, he also starred in a show called Flash Forward on the Disney Channel. Does anyone else remember that show? I had SUCH a big crush on him so it was extremely, extremely surreal to actually shake his hand.
After we scouted the location, he asked me what my favorite animals at the Zoo were. I told him it was probably the great apes since I find them incredibly fascinating. And he says, "Then lets go see the great apes!" So we did!
It was quite an exciting day for me. I didn't ask for a picture with him because I didn't want to be "that girl," but a co-worker managed to snap a photo of me standing with the group. So here's me! With a famous(ish) person! Cool!

1 comment:

  1. I want to be 'that girl'... OMG, OMG, OMG, It's Ben Foster!!!!!
